Jorge Martinez

Aerospace Engineer and Senior Software Developer

Learning SPICE at ESAC

Jorge Martínez Garrido

April 29, 2023

software astrodynamics

The last SPICE training session was held at ESAC, in Madrid, and I had the pleasure to attend it.

Attendes photo

What is SPICE?

SPICE (Spacecraft Planet Instrument C-matrix Events) is a software toolkit developed by NASA’s Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) for space mission design, navigation, and science data analysis. It provides a set of software libraries and tools for manipulating and visualizing space mission geometry, spacecraft instrument pointing, and other related information.

SPICE consists of a set of subroutines and data files that provide information on the geometric and time-varying relationships between various objects in space, such as planets, satellites, asteroids, and comets. This information includes the positions and orientations of these objects, as well as the pointing directions and field-of-view geometries of spacecraft instruments.

SPICE is used extensively in NASA’s planetary exploration missions, including missions to Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and other celestial bodies. It is also used in other space-related applications, such as satellite mission design, orbit determination, and space debris tracking.

SPICE logo

Why learning SPICE?

Learning SPICE can be beneficial if you are interested in the field of space exploration, spacecraft design, navigation, and science data analysis. Here are a few reasons why learning SPICE can be useful:

Overall, learning SPICE can enhance your understanding of space exploration, spacecraft design, navigation, and science data analysis, and it can open up exciting career opportunities in the space industry.

A quick example: plotting the evolution of the barycenter of the Solar System

As a personal challenge, I proposed myself to generate a figure showing the evolution of the barycenter of the Solar System (SSB). The reason is that this figure usually appears in literature to demonstrate that the Sun is not the center of our system. However, this figures usually lack of critial information such us the frame of reference and the ephemerides used to create the figure.

Collecting the required kernels

Let us start by downloading all the required kernels for this lesson. Required kernels include the leap seconds kernel, the de430s ephemerides model, and a planetary constants kernel. For the purpose of this tutorial, all kernels are saved in a folder named kernels/.

! wget -O kernels/latest_leapseconds.tls
! wget -O kernels/de432s.bsp
! wget -O kernels/pck00011.tpc
--2025-02-23 19:33:20--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 5257 (5.1K) [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘kernels/latest_leapseconds.tls’

          kernels/l   0%[                    ]       0  --.-KB/s               kernels/latest_leap 100%[===================>]   5.13K  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2025-02-23 19:33:20 (64.6 MB/s) - ‘kernels/latest_leapseconds.tls’ saved [5257/5257]

--2025-02-23 19:33:21--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 10895360 (10M)
Saving to: ‘kernels/de432s.bsp’

kernels/de432s.bsp    0%[                    ]       0  --.-KB/s               kernels/de432s.bsp    0%[                    ]  16.00K  76.0KB/s               kernels/de432s.bsp    0%[                    ]  80.00K   195KB/s               kernels/de432s.bsp    1%[                    ] 112.00K   182KB/s               kernels/de432s.bsp    2%[                    ] 224.00K   273KB/s               kernels/de432s.bsp    4%[                    ] 448.00K   438KB/s               kernels/de432s.bsp    7%[>                   ] 800.00K   558KB/s               kernels/de432s.bsp   11%[=>                  ]   1.22M   762KB/s               kernels/de432s.bsp   15%[==>                 ]   1.56M   781KB/s               kernels/de432s.bsp   23%[===>                ]   2.44M  1.08MB/s               kernels/de432s.bsp   26%[====>               ]   2.78M  1.04MB/s               kernels/de432s.bsp   32%[=====>              ]   3.34M  1.17MB/s               kernels/de432s.bsp   33%[=====>              ]   3.50M  1.14MB/s    eta 6s     kernels/de432s.bsp   39%[======>             ]   4.12M  1.26MB/s    eta 6s     kernels/de432s.bsp   42%[=======>            ]   4.41M  1.27MB/s    eta 6s     kernels/de432s.bsp   45%[========>           ]   4.69M  1.27MB/s    eta 6s     kernels/de432s.bsp   47%[========>           ]   4.98M  1.28MB/s    eta 6s     kernels/de432s.bsp   50%[=========>          ]   5.28M  1.29MB/s    eta 4s     kernels/de432s.bsp   53%[=========>          ]   5.59M  1.30MB/s    eta 4s     kernels/de432s.bsp   56%[==========>         ]   5.91M  1.31MB/s    eta 4s     kernels/de432s.bsp   59%[==========>         ]   6.22M  1.32MB/s    eta 4s     kernels/de432s.bsp   62%[===========>        ]   6.53M  1.39MB/s    eta 4s     kernels/de432s.bsp   66%[============>       ]   6.86M  1.45MB/s    eta 3s     kernels/de432s.bsp   69%[============>       ]   7.19M  1.50MB/s    eta 3s     kernels/de432s.bsp   72%[=============>      ]   7.52M  1.55MB/s    eta 3s     kernels/de432s.bsp   75%[==============>     ]   7.84M  1.57MB/s    eta 3s     kernels/de432s.bsp   78%[==============>     ]   8.17M  1.64MB/s    eta 3s     kernels/de432s.bsp   81%[===============>    ]   8.52M  1.62MB/s    eta 1s     kernels/de432s.bsp   85%[================>   ]   8.84M  1.69MB/s    eta 1s     kernels/de432s.bsp   88%[================>   ]   9.19M  1.57MB/s    eta 1s     kernels/de432s.bsp   91%[=================>  ]   9.52M  1.64MB/s    eta 1s     kernels/de432s.bsp   94%[=================>  ]   9.86M  1.59MB/s    eta 1s     kernels/de432s.bsp   98%[==================> ]  10.19M  1.63MB/s    eta 0s     kernels/de432s.bsp  100%[===================>]  10.39M  1.68MB/s    in 7.2s    

2025-02-23 19:33:29 (1.45 MB/s) - ‘kernels/de432s.bsp’ saved [10895360/10895360]

--2025-02-23 19:33:29--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 131226 (128K) [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘kernels/pck00011.tpc’

kernels/   0%[                    ]       0  --.-KB/s               kernels/  12%[=>                  ]  16.00K  75.9KB/s               kernels/  37%[======>             ]  48.00K  94.0KB/s               kernels/  87%[================>   ] 112.00K   156KB/s               kernels/ 100%[===================>] 128.15K   179KB/s    in 0.7s    

2025-02-23 19:33:30 (179 KB/s) - ‘kernels/pck00011.tpc’ saved [131226/131226]

Finding the position of the SSB in the ecliptic frame (ECLIPJ2000) as seen from the Sun

The position of a target with respect to an obeserver can be found by using the spkpos function. The code below generates a list of epochs ranging from the desired starting and ending dates. Finally, the position of the SSB is computed in the Ecliptic J2000 frame as seen from the Sun without considering any light abberation correction.

import numpy as np
import spiceypy as spice

# Load all the desired kernels
for file in ["latest_leapseconds.tls", "de432s.bsp", "pck00011.tpc"]:
# Declare the desired year epochs
start_year, end_year, delta_year, n_points = 1990, 2025, 5, 1_000
year_epochs = [spice.str2et(f"{year}-01-01") for year in range(start_year, end_year+1, delta_year)]
epochs = np.linspace(spice.str2et(f"{start_year}-01-01"), spice.str2et(f"{end_year}-01-01"), n_points)

# Compute the position of the SSB at desired epoch in the Ecliptic J2000 w.r.t. the Sun
frame = "ECLIPJ2000"
sun_pos_at_epochs = [spice.spkpos("SSB", epoch, frame, "NONE", "SUN")[0] for epoch in epochs]
sun_pos_at_years = [spice.spkpos("SSB", epoch, frame, "NONE", "SUN")[0] for epoch in year_epochs]

Visualizing the evolution of the SSB

The following code generates a figure of the SSB as seen from the Sun in the Ecliptic J2000 frame.

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def draw_circle(ax, position_xy, radius, color="white", border_color="black"):
    circle = matplotlib.patches.Circle(

def draw_sun(ax, position_xy):
    _, (SUN_RADIUS, *_) = spice.bodvrd("SUN", "RADII", 3)
    draw_circle(ax, (0, 0), SUN_RADIUS, color="orange")
    ax.text(-0.12 * SUN_RADIUS, -0.02 * SUN_RADIUS, "Nucleus")
    draw_circle(ax, (0, 0), 0.25 * SUN_RADIUS, color="yellow")

# Generate the plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
draw_sun(ax, (0, 0))

# Draw the position evolution of the solar system barycenter
cmap = matplotlib.colormaps["gist_heat_r"]
sun_pos_x_at_epochs = [pos[0] for pos in sun_pos_at_epochs]
sun_pos_y_at_epochs = [pos[1] for pos in sun_pos_at_epochs]
for i in range(n_points - 1):
    ax.plot(sun_pos_x_at_epochs[i:i+2], sun_pos_y_at_epochs[i:i+2], color=cmap(i/n_points), linestyle="-")

# Draw the position at each year
sun_pos_x_at_years = [pos[0] for pos in sun_pos_at_years]
sun_pos_y_at_years = [pos[1] for pos in sun_pos_at_years]
for ith_epoch, epoch in enumerate(year_epochs):
    ax.scatter(sun_pos_x_at_years[ith_epoch], sun_pos_y_at_years[ith_epoch], c="k", marker="o")
        sun_pos_x_at_years[ith_epoch] + 2e4, 

# Add titles and labels
ax.set_title("Evolution of the SSB in the ECLIPJ2000 frame as seen from the SUN")
ax.set_xlabel("Distance [km]")
ax.set_ylabel("Distance [km]")

# Mark the years