Tutorials posts
Within this category you can find a plethora of tutorials. Most of these posts focus on software development. However, a little amount deals with other stuff which you may find useful. Enjoy your reading!
By the way, if you find some bug in any of the tutorials, please contact me.
Year 2024
- 2024-11-26 - Plotly support
- 2024-06-16 - Computer Graphics with OpenGL - Introduction
- 2024-05-24 - Script for converting PDF pages to images
- 2024-01-13 - Running Threejs in my website
Year 2023
- 2023-09-16 - Using Quarto in my website
- 2023-09-05 - Hacking GitHub Large File Storage (LFS)
Year 2022
- 2022-04-10 - Hugo with Jupyter and Jupytext
- 2022-01-01 - Modern OpenGL with Python - Part 0